WHAT: Every year, we kick off the season with our biggest fundraiser, TAG Days
WHEN: Friday, September 21 from 4pm-9pm, and Saturday, September 22 from 8am-8pm
WHERE: Farmington High School is hosting TAG Days this year. The address is 32000 Shiawassee St, Farmington, MI 48336
WHO: Every student is expected to participate. Families, we need lots of adult support - especially drivers*!
HOW: Students, dressed in their concert tuxedo/dress or Marching Band uniform, go out to local merchants and ask the public to support the Instrumental Music Program. We need every student and every parent/guardian to help out. Adults drive, organize and feed our students.
WHY: This is our major fall fundraiser - last year we made about $8700 for the music program at North!
HOW IT WORKS: We need many, many drivers, over age 21, to succeed. Drivers take students to their merchant location, and check on them during the shift. Drivers then retrieve students at the end of their shift, and deliver them back to Farmington High School.
*Drivers will be asked to show their licenses at check in at Farmington High School. Please bring your license into the school when you report for your shift.
Please contact our awesome TAG Days Chair, Tanya Reynolds at [email protected]
WHAT: Every year, we kick off the season with our biggest fundraiser, TAG Days
WHEN: Friday, September 21 from 4pm-9pm, and Saturday, September 22 from 8am-8pm
WHERE: Farmington High School is hosting TAG Days this year. The address is 32000 Shiawassee St, Farmington, MI 48336
WHO: Every student is expected to participate. Families, we need lots of adult support - especially drivers*!
HOW: Students, dressed in their concert tuxedo/dress or Marching Band uniform, go out to local merchants and ask the public to support the Instrumental Music Program. We need every student and every parent/guardian to help out. Adults drive, organize and feed our students.
WHY: This is our major fall fundraiser - last year we made about $8700 for the music program at North!
HOW IT WORKS: We need many, many drivers, over age 21, to succeed. Drivers take students to their merchant location, and check on them during the shift. Drivers then retrieve students at the end of their shift, and deliver them back to Farmington High School.
- Students: Sign up boards will be in your music classes - Please sign up for your shift in pairs.
- Parents/Guardians Sign up here: TAG DAYS SIGN UP
*Drivers will be asked to show their licenses at check in at Farmington High School. Please bring your license into the school when you report for your shift.
Please contact our awesome TAG Days Chair, Tanya Reynolds at [email protected]
Annual Can & Bottle DriveOur Annual Can & Bottle Drive is scheduled for Sat April 14th this year. Since we know that conflicts will happen, but we expect everyone to help out, there are opportunities to help Sun April 8 and April 15, as well as Monday April 16th.
Students are driven by parents to various neighborhoods near our school to collect cans and bottles on Saturday. We then do a quick sort, and safely pack the glass bottles, so they can all be returned at various merchants in our neighborhood. Before the bottle drive we need help setting out signs, and the returns typically last for much of the day Sunday as well as Monday evening. This is the second largest fundraiser of the year, and all band and orchestra students are expected to help out. Music students get a share of the money raised for their accounts, based on the number of hours worked by their family. (a great way to help defray Band Camp or NYC Trip costs) Additionally, our Honor Society friends are also welcome to help out, if they need a few more service hours. FUNDRAISING
Fundraising is a big part of what we do as a booster organization. The dollars your student earns through fundraising provide him or her with the best musical instruction experience possible. Through your hard work our students enjoy hands-on clinician experiences right in our own auditorium. Fundraisers also help repair instruments and purchase new equipment as needed. But that's not all. For many of our fundraising activities, a portion of your child's fundraising dollars go directly to his or her student account. This money can be used to help pay for trips, music lessons and supplies, like instrument repair, reeds, rosin, new strings and other music essentials. Your involvement in our fundraising process has a huge impact on the quality of our program! The following is an overview of our yearly fundraising calendar (exact dates can be found by clicking the button below or on the main calendar page). KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS
Earn Community Rewards for the Band and Orchestra Boosters every time you use your Kroger Plus card! You get the discounts and the boosters get money back! Friends and family members who live in Michigan can sign up as well. Spread the word! You must renew your selected organization each year in August, so if you did not renew recently, please check your online account to make sure you have chosen North Farmington HS Band and Orchestra Boosters for your rewards organization. You can also check the bottom of your Kroger receipt to see if it says, “At your request, Kroger is donating to North Farmington HS Band and Orchestra Boosters.” If not, you need to re-enroll be doing the following: • Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com to enroll your card today, or to sign-up if you have not already created an account. • Follow the directions to Enroll or Renew your organization. Search the list for North Farmington HS Band and Orchestra Boosters NPO #83120 as the organization. • If you don’t already have a Kroger Plus card, you can sign up for one at any Kroger customer service desk. WHY FUNDRAISE? The NFHS Boosters organization enhances the musical education of all band and orchestra students. Last year the Boosters raised over $20,000!!! Of this money, 80% went towards bringing clinicians into the classrooms. These are instrument experts who work directly with the students in small groups. The remaining 20% covers current gaps in the district funding for instrument repairs, uniform upkeeps, as well as any miscellaneous needs that arise. In 2012, the Boosters changed their fundraising policy by increasing the percentage of profit the students can earn from each fundraising event. Students can also use their time earned as community service hours. The Boosters are trying to take that one step further by looking into the student being able to use their time earned toward their Raider Pin hours...stay tuned for more information. We want to THANK YOU in advance for you time and effort, it is truly needed to make our fundraisers SUCCESSFUL! |